Entrepreneurial expert, CEO of TrendHunter.com and award-winning author Jeremy Gutsche's 2015 leadership innovation keynote will teach audience members how they can reach their full potential through several patterns of opportunity. These innovative patterns will help individuals spot ideas and opportunities that surround them on a daily basis and turn them into a breakthrough concept.
Gutsche expands on material from his second business novel entitled, 'Better and Faster: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas.' The keynote will run through ways audiences can avoid three basic neurological traps that often block successful people from uncovering their path to prosperity. Gutsche lights up these concepts with engaging examples from top tier brands like Victoria's Secret, Smith Corona, Block Buster and Zara.
The 2015 leadership innovation keynote will equip audience members with the tools they need to uncover their next big idea and make it a surefire success.
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